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  • moving from place to place being passed around repeatedly
  • rolling about
  • adverb (fukushi) adverb taking the 'to' particle noun (common) (futsuumeishi) noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • seq# 1704220  » freq# 16518  » jlpt N2  » prio 1
  • moving from place to place being passed around repeatedly rolling about


  • here and there little by little sporadically scattered in drops
  • dots spots
  • adverb (fukushi) adverb taking the 'to' particle noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 1598460  » freq# 20449  » jlpt N2 2
  • here and there little by little sporadically scattered in drops dots spots


  • (hand) towel
  • (hand) towel


  • rolling about
  • tossing and turning (in bed) jactitation jactation
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • word containing irregular kanji usage
  • see 輾転反側
  • seq# 2525130  » freq# 84257 4
  • rolling about tossing and turning (in bed) jactitation jactation