match query as
jlpt level(s)
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  • to let (someone) hear to tell (e.g. a story) to inform (of)
  • to make (someone) listen to make (someone) understand to drum into (someone)
  • to grip (someone) with skilful singing, storytelling, etc. to hold (someone) enchanted by
  • to let (someone) hear to tell (e.g. a story) to inform (of) to make (someone) listen to make (someone) understand to drum into (someone) to grip (someone) with skilful singing, storytelling, etc. to hold (someone) enchanted by


  • to bring out (the effect of) to put to good use to make use of (e.g. threats) to use (e.g. intimidation) to take advantage of (e.g. one's influence) to season (with salt, etc.) to put in
  • to use (tact, wit, etc.) to exercise to display
  • to bring out (the effect of) to put to good use to make use of (e.g. threats) to use (e.g. intimidation) to take advantage of (e.g. one's influence) to season (with salt, etc.) to put in to use (tact, wit, etc.) to exercise to display