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  • bustling busy lively
  • adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
  • seq# 1463480  » freq# 16725  » jlpt N5  » prio 1
  • bustling busy lively


  • to be crowded with people to be bustling with
  • to prosper to flourish to do thriving business
  • Godan verb with 'u' ending intransitive verb
  • seq# 1463500  » freq# 39007  » jlpt N1  » prio 2
  • to be crowded with people to be bustling with to prosper to flourish to do thriving business


  • prosperity bustle activity crowd turnout
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 1463490  » freq# 42732 3
  • prosperity bustle activity crowd turnout


  • prosperity
  • adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi) noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 1568510  » freq# 66804 4
  • prosperity


  • to enliven to liven up to cause a stir in (e.g. the newspapers) to hit (the front page, headlines, etc.)
  • to make prosperous
  • Godan verb with 'su' ending transitive verb
  • seq# 1463510  » freq# 67801 5
  • to enliven to liven up to cause a stir in (e.g. the newspapers) to hit (the front page, headlines, etc.) to make prosperous


  • to make lively to make exciting
  • Godan verb with 'su' ending transitive verb
  • seq# 2694480  » freq# 173523 6
  • to make lively to make exciting


  • lively merry gay
  • adjective (keiyoushi)
  • seq# 2646950  » freq# 173524 7
  • lively merry gay


  • business liveliness
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 1463485 8
  • business liveliness


  • to enjoy prosperity
  • expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) Ichidan verb
  • seq# 2102160 9
  • to enjoy prosperity


  • half a loaf is better than none even a dead tree adds to the interest of a mountain
  • expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) proverb
  • seq# 2160250 10
  • half a loaf is better than none even a dead tree adds to the interest of a mountain


  • to prosper to flourish to do thriving business to be crowded with people
  • Godan verb with 'u' ending intransitive verb incorrect variant of 賑わう
  • see 賑わう
  • seq# 2607940 11
  • to prosper to flourish to do thriving business to be crowded with people