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  • stove furnace kiln
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 1546450  » freq# 21457  » prio 1
  • stove furnace kiln


  • kamado traditional Japanese wood or charcoal-fueled cook stove
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) word usually written using kana alone
  • word containing out-dated kanji or kanji usage
  • seq# 1928090  » freq# 28733 2
  • kamado traditional Japanese wood or charcoal-fueled cook stove


  • smokehole on hearth
  • hearth (kitchen) furnace
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 2510560  » freq# 28733 3
  • smokehole on hearth hearth (kitchen) furnace


  • salt pan (used for boiling seawater to make salt)
  • cooking a fish inside a salt crust
  • candy made with a wrapping of sweetened rice flour (looking like a salt crust)
  • salt pan (used for boiling seawater to make salt) cooking a fish inside a salt crust candy made with a wrapping of sweetened rice flour (looking like a salt crust)


  • camel cricket (Diestrammena apicalis) camelback cricket cave cricket spider cricket
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 2739200  » freq# 82024 5
  • camel cricket (Diestrammena apicalis) camelback cricket cave cricket spider cricket


  • Japanese rowan (Sorbus commixta)
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 1721460  » freq# 89556 6
  • Japanese rowan (Sorbus commixta)


  • pot
  • volcanic crater
  • (one's) buttocks
  • male homosexual effeminate man male transvestite
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) polite (teineigo) language often derog. word usually written using kana alone colloquialism
  • see
  • seq# 1270270  » freq# 176259 7
  • pot volcanic crater (one's) buttocks male homosexual effeminate man male transvestite


  • earthen kiln
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 1702410 8
  • earthen kiln


  • tutelary deities of the hearth
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 1835610 9
  • tutelary deities of the hearth


  • Chamisso's lousewort (Pedicularis chamissonis var. japonica)
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 2187780 10
  • Chamisso's lousewort (Pedicularis chamissonis var. japonica)


  • Sorbus gracilis (species of mountain ash)
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 2442190 11
  • Sorbus gracilis (species of mountain ash)


  • Siberian mountain ash (Sorbus sambucifolia)
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 2442200 12
  • Siberian mountain ash (Sorbus sambucifolia)


  • steam bath (often using brine)
  • steam bath (often using brine)


  • charcoal burned in an earthen kiln
  • charcoal burned in an earthen kiln


  • eating the food of the dead (which prevents return from the underworld)
  • expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) noun (common) (futsuumeishi) noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • word containing out-dated kanji or kanji usage
  • see 黄泉国 よもつくに
  • seq# 2824910 15
  • eating the food of the dead (which prevents return from the underworld)


  • camel cricket (Diestrammena apicalis) camelback cricket cave cricket spider cricket
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) word usually written using kana alone
  • see 竈馬
  • seq# 2827676 16
  • camel cricket (Diestrammena apicalis) camelback cricket cave cricket spider cricket


  • rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) mountain-ash
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 2828762 17
  • rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) mountain-ash


  • to make a fortune
  • expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) Godan verb with 'su' ending idiomatic expression obsolete term
  • seq# 2849496 18
  • to make a fortune