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  • on-the-spot filming or photography
  • live filming (as opposed to animation) actual picture (as opposed to a drawing) photographic image (as opposed to a drawing, computer-generated image, etc.)
  • real picture or story (as opposed to fiction, imaginary scene, etc.) describing actual scenes (in writing, drawings, paintings, etc.) documentary (film)
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • seq# 1648970  » freq# 34145 1
  • on-the-spot filming or photography live filming (as opposed to animation) actual picture (as opposed to a drawing) photographic image (as opposed to a drawing, computer-generated image, etc.) real picture or story (as opposed to fiction, imaginary scene, etc.) describing actual scenes (in writing, drawings, paintings, etc.) documentary (film)