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Romaji Expand All Collapse All


  • front and rear front and back before and behind back and forth
  • before and after
  • around about approximately
  • order context
  • consequences
  • just when around the time of
  • inversion reversion getting out of order
  • co-occurring happening at the same time
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) noun, used as a suffix adverb (fukushi) noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru after a quantity, age, time, etc. as 前後して
  • seq# 1392910  » freq# 1294  » jlpt N2  » prio 1
  • front and rear front and back before and behind back and forth before and after around about approximately order context consequences just when around the time of inversion reversion getting out of order co-occurring happening at the same time