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  • to get angry to get mad
  • to tell someone off to scold
  • to be angular to be square
  • Godan verb with 'ru' ending intransitive verb transitive verb
  • word containing out-dated kanji or kanji usage
  • seq# 1445690  » freq# 1530  » jlpt N4  » prio 1
  • to get angry to get mad to tell someone off to scold to be angular to be square


  • to anger to displease to offend
  • to square (one's shoulders) to make stern (e.g. eyes) to raise (one's voice) in anger
  • Godan verb with 'su' ending transitive verb
  • word containing out-dated kanji or kanji usage
  • seq# 1445660  » freq# 45687 2
  • to anger to displease to offend to square (one's shoulders) to make stern (e.g. eyes) to raise (one's voice) in anger


  • dosa (ill will, antipathy)
  • irateness anger
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 2186100  » freq# 68034 3
  • dosa (ill will, antipathy) irateness anger


  • the three kilesas that poison the heart of man (greed, hatred and delusion)
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) from 貪欲, 瞋恚 and 愚痴
  • word containing out-dated kanji or kanji usage
  • see 煩悩 三毒
  • seq# 2648130  » freq# 126334 4
  • the three kilesas that poison the heart of man (greed, hatred and delusion)


  • intense antipathy (like a blazing fire) flames of rage
  • expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
  • seq# 2186110 5
  • intense antipathy (like a blazing fire) flames of rage


  • dosa (ill will, antipathy)
  • dosa (ill will, antipathy)


  • non-anger non-hatred no-enmity
  • non-anger non-hatred no-enmity