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  • rise (e.g. of a movement) emergence rearing one's head gaining prominence coming to the fore gaining power gathering strength
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • seq# 1412730  » freq# 8972  » prio 1
  • rise (e.g. of a movement) emergence rearing one's head gaining prominence coming to the fore gaining power gathering strength


  • to raise (one's head)
  • Ichidan verb transitive verb word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 1567780  » freq# 13056 2
  • to raise (one's head)


  • to raise one's head to come to the fore to rise into importance to gain strength to rear its head
  • expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) Ichidan verb
  • seq# 2423620 3
  • to raise one's head to come to the fore to rise into importance to gain strength to rear its head