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  • and moreover besides as well as and on top of that at the same time
  • conjunction adverb (fukushi) word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 1208840  » freq# 1915  » jlpt N1  » prio 1
  • and moreover besides as well as and on top of that at the same time


  • besides furthermore on top of that
  • and yet nevertheless even so
  • adverb (fukushi) word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 1349310  » freq# 27039  » prio 2
  • besides furthermore on top of that and yet nevertheless even so


  • temporary transient
  • trifling slight negligent
  • nouns which may take the genitive case particle 'no' adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi) noun (common) (futsuumeishi) gikun for 苟且 word usually written using kana alone
  • irregular okurigana usage
  • seq# 1187590  » freq# 58563 3
  • temporary transient trifling slight negligent


  • besides furthermore moreover
  • conjunction word usually written using kana alone
  • seq# 1590490 4
  • besides furthermore moreover


  • short while
  • short while


  • temporary transient
  • trifling slight negligent
  • nouns which may take the genitive case particle 'no' adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi) noun (common) (futsuumeishi) archaism
  • see 仮初め かりそめ
  • seq# 2847852 6
  • temporary transient trifling slight negligent