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  • frame framework
  • border box
  • limit restriction quota
  • category bracket class
  • time slot (in a broadcasting schedule)
  • live stream live (online) broadcast
  • spool (of thread) reel
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) noun, used as a suffix Internet slang
  • seq# 1562610  » freq# 2239  » jlpt N1  » prio 1
  • frame framework border box limit restriction quota category bracket class time slot (in a broadcasting schedule) live stream live (online) broadcast spool (of thread) reel


  • to well (up) to gush forth (of water) to spring out to surge
  • to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.)
  • to feel emotions from (joy, bravery, etc.)
  • to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)
  • Godan verb with 'ku' ending intransitive verb
  • seq# 1606685  » freq# 5601  » jlpt N2  » prio 2
  • to well (up) to gush forth (of water) to spring out to surge to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.) to feel emotions from (joy, bravery, etc.) to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)


  • to grow hot (e.g. water) to boil
  • to get excited (at) to erupt (in applause, cheering, etc.) to be in a ferment to take place energetically
  • to ferment
  • to melt (of metal)
  • Godan verb with 'ku' ending intransitive verb
  • seq# 1606680  » freq# 12659  » jlpt N4  » prio 3
  • to grow hot (e.g. water) to boil to get excited (at) to erupt (in applause, cheering, etc.) to be in a ferment to take place energetically to ferment to melt (of metal)


  • klesha
  • klesha


  • spool (of thread) reel
  • spool (of thread) reel


  • warmth of the spring sun
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) poetical term
  • seq# 2847348 6
  • warmth of the spring sun