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  • end tip top
  • end (of the year, month, etc.) close
  • youngest child
  • descendants offspring posterity
  • future
  • (finally) after (at last) after at the end of
  • trifles trivialities
  • degenerate age
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi) nouns which may take the genitive case particle 'no' adverb (fukushi) usu. 〜の末 as 〜の末 or 〜した末
  • see 末っ子
  • seq# 1525250  » freq# 743  » jlpt N3  » prio 1
  • end tip top end (of the year, month, etc.) close youngest child descendants offspring posterity future (finally) after (at last) after at the end of trifles trivialities degenerate age


  • ceramics pottery porcelain
  • ceramics pottery porcelain