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  • wound injury cut gash bruise scratch scrape scar
  • chip crack scratch nick
  • flaw defect weakness weak point
  • stain (on one's reputation) disgrace dishonor dishonour
  • (emotional) hurt hurt feelings
  • wound injury cut gash bruise scratch scrape scar chip crack scratch nick flaw defect weakness weak point stain (on one's reputation) disgrace dishonor dishonour (emotional) hurt hurt feelings


  • unadulterated vinegar pure vinegar
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 2712460 2
  • unadulterated vinegar pure vinegar


  • citrus juice (used similarly to vinegar)
  • noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seq# 2714680 3
  • citrus juice (used similarly to vinegar)