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  • ah! oh! alas!
  • yes indeed that is correct
  • aah gah argh
  • hey! yo!
  • uh huh yeah yeah right gotcha
  • interjection (kandoushi) also written as 於乎, 於戯, 嗟乎, 嗟夫, 吁, etc. word usually written using kana alone in exasperation
  • ateji (phonetic) reading
  • seq# 1565440  » freq# 332  » jlpt N4  » prio 1
  • ah! oh! alas! yes indeed that is correct aah gah argh hey! yo! uh huh yeah yeah right gotcha


  • like that so
  • adverb (fukushi) used for something or someone distant from both speaker and listener
  • see こう そう どう
  • seq# 2085080  » freq# 332  » jlpt N4  » prio 2
  • like that so


  • caw (of a crow, etc.)
  • adverb (fukushi) adverb taking the 'to' particle archaism onomatopoeic or mimetic word
  • word containing out-dated kanji or kanji usage
  • seq# 2252550  » freq# 81792 3
  • caw (of a crow, etc.)